Monday, 15 June 2015

3 Minute Wonders; Research

Whilst browsing through YouTube and watching various of different documentaries I found several that I liked and others that I didn't like.

The first one I watched was called - 'Beneath My Skin - Tattoo Mini Doc - 3 Minute Wonder' - liked this documentary because, the women who this documentary is based around, she is explaining why she loves tattoo's and her feelings behind the word. I like how she used the shot angles in the clip and I also liked that she recorded herself giving another person a tattoo.

The second one I watched was called - 'Trilogy Dance Crew - 3 Minute Wonder' -
I liked this documentary because instead of having one person talking throughout the entire clip, you have different people who had different roles speak their own part. I liked how at the beginning we was told a little about the group and I also got to see how they danced and where.

The third one I watched was called - '3 Minute Wonder - This is Our Youth: Carrot Crew' -
I didn't like this documentary because I feel that it is inappropriate and isn't being taken seriously, not only are the 'Carrot Crew' causing a riot they are also causing arguments and trouble within the school.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney,

    Please embed the videos that you watched and add a short paragraph at the start about what a 3MW is and what channel they are shown on.

