Monday, 15 September 2014

Media Studies Photos 1

To show strength, we decided to capture a photo of a lad weight lifting, this shows he has a lot of strength.
We used a low camera angle to make him look more powerful.
We decided to take a photo of a piece of cake for the desire category as the majority of people love a bit of cake now and then. We decided to take a close up of the cake so you can see the detail and texture of the cake. 
To take the love shot we thought it would be a good idea to get a couple and take a wide shot of them both, also we placed them on top of the hill because the scenery looks appropriate for the shoot.

To show wealth we decided to take a shot of money and a purse, the more money you have the wealthier you are.
We decided to take a close up of this purse and money so you can clearly see what were taking the photo of. 

Water is very pure and clear, therefore we thought for purity if we took a photo of a bottle of water you would get a clear understanding of what we mean, also we decided to do a close up shot of the bottle so you can clearly see the water.

We thought if we got someone to stand by the food admiring the food this would relate to the category of greed.
If you eat too much you could be called 'greedy' therefore we decided to use that and put it into a photo.
We used long shot so you can see not only the lad but the food and destination aka cafeteria.

This photo is based around loneliness so we thought we could use a person, sitting by herself/himself to make a clear understnding of what loneliness is, which is shown in this photo. She is sitting by herself whilst everyone else around her are in groups with their mates. We used a wide shot to show this.

To show friendship we got a few people to sit around together and show that they're happy. In this photo you can clearly see the group of friends are happy. To show this we used a wide shot, therefore you can also see the scenery which can also make the photo look happy.

Poverty is a hard category to take a photo of, so we thought if we got someone to sit by the bin looking like they're asking for something such as money, the viewers would then get a clear sense of whats going on whether the category name is there or not. We used a high angle so you could see a clear point of view of whats going on in the photo.

We chose to take a photo of a spiky chain to show what danger is, for example this chain could keep people away and off the grass which is where the chain is based around, this spike could scare the object and prevent them from going anywhere near it, we decided to do a close up so you could see a clear shot of the sharp object.

To show fear we decided to take a long shot of someone holding a gun as entering a room, this angle and lighting in this photo is very effective you can see the shadow on the wall which gives the picture a lot of depth, also the object we used in this (a gun) is very dangerous therefore the majority of people would have a lot of fear towards the carrier.
We thought one of the many ways to show someones weakness if through crying, to capture this shot we decided we would use a extreme close up so you can get a clear view of the tears and her eye. When someone is crying you automatically think the person is weakening up, therefore we thought it would be effective if we take a shot of this.

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