Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Continuity Exercise Evaluation


We produced this video for a Continuity Exercise to get ourselves used to using various camera angles, shots. lighting and sound. It gives us a clear understanding on how to film and to point out the mistakes which then we can build upon during the next shoot. We were put into groups with between 3-4 people per crew, which then we was given a assignment in which we had to guide us along the way and also to show/tell us what we needed to do. Continuity means creating and editing a system in which the audience wouldn't need to question you.

Negatives - As we reviewed our video we noticed certain, little mistakes that we new that next time we shouldn't do. At 0.04 seconds there was a slight jump whilst the girl was walking, that wasn't supposed to of happened but because of all the editing and cropping we done to the video it messed that scene up a little. At 0.38 and also at 0.43 seconds you catch the girl and boy both looking at the camera, although this is a minor error it messes up the whole idea of filming. Throughout the whole of this film, you notice that there's no music or sound effects at all until you reach 0.51 seconds, this can make the video seem very boring and dull, therefore next time it would be a very good idea just to add some music and sound effects whilst filming whether it's just natural sounds or inserted sounds when editing.
- There's a slight error in this scene, although this scene is very serious I seem to be laughing/smiling, which is very noticeable and out of character. 

- This image is proof towards Harry making eye
contact with the camera.

 - This is proof of Harry also looking at the camera, although the screen was now blacking out you can still notice he's looking directly at the camera.

 - In this shot, you can see me making eye contact with the camera.

- In this shot you can see Dean looking at the camera too, although these aren't that noticeable and are quite minor, they still make a massive change to the film.

Positives - We noticed there was certain good parts whilst filming/watching this video for example, the location, the scenery and the weather gives a very effective look whilst filming. The location was very out of the way therefore the whole point of this crime was very suitable and the location matched the idea. Also the weather, although the weather wasn't sunny or bright, that didn't matter because the mood of this video is very dull and suspicious which is exactly how the  weather them days was, very misty and foggy. Other than the minor mistakes above with the jumping of the girl walking, the editing went very well and everything ran very smoothly. The facial expressions each of us used during the film making was quite focused and straight, there was a few little smiles here and there which that shouldn't of happened, but other than that the facials were spot on.

- The reason I took a screenshot of this scene is to show you how the scenery and location fits the idea of the film, as this is a serious scene the foggy and mistiness of the weather is very suitable.

- This is a good shot to show facial expressions and also is good proof to show we did use facial expressions, Deans expressions in this shot really work well with the whole idea of him being held to knife point, he looks really scared but also very confused. 

- This shot is the ending of the film, but the reason I decided to use this shot was to show Deans facial expressions, in this scene he pulls a gun out on Courtney, therefore Dean needed to be really serious but look scary and he decided the way to do this was do put them emotions into his expressions. 

Opinion - If I was to change anything about this video it most certainly would be, to add a more interesting story-line, I thought when watching the video it was quite boring and it all happened too fast, so I thought maybe if we was to add a better story-line the film would be better to watch and maybe if more scenes would've been added to make the film a little more longer this would be a little more detailed and exciting. Also I think we should of added some sound effects for example when I pull the knife out on Dean, also we should of added some sort of music throughout the whole of the film instead of having a plain, blank and simple silence, this error could cause audience's to feel really bored and not interested when watching the video.

The roles each of us had was fairly the same;
Dean; he was the guy who gets held at knife point at 0.06 seconds and also has the gun at end of the film. He gives a massive twist to the film, and his excuse was to get revenge on the girl (me.)
Harry; the police officer, but also he was in control of the film making and the set, he filmed the majority of the video and also he done the editing.
Courtney(me); I was the girl who at the beginning put Dean to knife point but then i get my karma when the whole video twist and i end up being shot. Also i did take part of helping out with the camera/filming when Harry was in certain scenes. 

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